4 June 2009

Body Percussion

I recently discovered that long before Bjork's Triumph of the Heart and mid way through Timbaland's "vicky vicky uh" a vocally percussive group was forming named Barbatuques from Brazil. You can listen and watch at http://www.myspace.com/barbatuques . They explore every cavity and clap that make up body percussion. Percussive groups using irregular objects often sound inventive but lack imagination when it comes to rhythmic pattern. Range of sounds available with the instrument can also suffer. But Barbatuques create challenging rhythms and sounds that make you wonder how that noise could ever come out of a human being. Currently running workshops in Chicago's Human Rhythm Project (i wish i were there), they are incorporating tap,rap and a little vocal magic into their performances. Who ever knew hitting yourself could be so entertaining. Please come to Britain soon !

I suggest you check out the myspace. Or if you just so happen to be in Chicago - the festival at www.chicagotap.org

Meanwhile here's an example video.
