1 June 2009

recordings and reeboks.

So. We are now in the studio recording our next single... Queen Sophia the Last... As engineered by the wonderful Rory Atwell... Here he is, hard at work!

So a few Lemsips later, and the drums are down for the single, and a few demos of new tracks TROPIC OF CAPRICORN, SCRAP METAL and DREAMS OF JUSTICE... All now featured in the set.

After that... REEBOK asked us into their "lounge" to look at their trainers. I'm not entirely sure why sports brands seem to be throwing us complimentary things... but never the less we're excited to visit the lounge so we happily go...Photobucket we meet Siobhan? (I think this is her name) Lovely, lovely girl, and VERY enthusiastic about Reebok trainers. Kind of get the feeling I'm on an episode of the apprentice and she's REALLLLY trying hard to sell those trainers. No need, we'll take them. :)
We end up with a couple of standard "limited edition" numbers. Even Andy nabs himself a pair or shoe/ trainers.

Now, what i REALLY liked about the Reebok lounge, other than those snazzy egg chairs, is that it had a Wii. Now Victoria, is pretty good at this...

I, on the other hand, couldn't even hit the ball. So i get stroppy, and blame it on being left handed. So it's decided.  I don't like the Wii. It also brings back painful memories of how shit I am at guitar hero, and people ask me "Aren't you meant to be in a band..." 
