11 June 2009


So i suppose it's the latest re-up of a genre this year. Two awesome new bands to listen to - Trailer Trash Tracys and The XX. I have been best friends with the lead singer and guitarist of TTT since i was 18 (am i biased?) No. Not only are they amazing people but their music kills it too. They've been loving and learning shoegaze their whole lives. Currently recording new tracks they'll be out with a single at the end of this summer. With shows lined up i'd highly recommend going to see them. Have a listen at http://www.myspace.com/trailertrashtracys

The XX are also on fire right now. With their current single Crystalized getting massive recognition you can listen at http://www.myspace.com/thexx and see tons of shows they have coming up.

I'm digging the bands Salem and Telepathe as always, i guess it's a duty as a band blogger to let you guys know what we like !? Check them out if you can.

Salem - http://www.myspace.com/jjhhmm

Telepathe - www.myspace.com/telepathe
